relaxation & wellbeing
Kantele Meditation offers a refreshing break from the stress of everyday life.
Kantele Meditation is inspired by Finnish folklore traditions as an alternative to eastern yoga and silence exercises. We have common methods and terminology that are suitable tools for meditation in our own Baltic Finnish traditions. In our traditions, the aspects that we frequently talk about as flow or trance is referred to as "silent enlightenment" or with the kantele, "the playing sound of inner power". The kantele has served as a tool to reach other levels of consciousness, to turn inwards towards oneself and to be silenced. The music created in chanting meditation is experienced more as being than doing.
The Experience
We begin with an introduction to the secrets of the kantele and then continue with an exercise to relax and finish with a group improvisation, which offers everyone the opportunity to participate in creating a soundscape, listening, being present and playing from their own starting points. During meditation, you have the option to relax and listen instead of playing the kantele. No previous playing experience is required. The kantele is a five-string instrument in which everyone can make beautiful sounds.
The instructors can loan a kantele for use or you can bring your own kantele.
Order the kantele meditation for your event or contact us for more information (rallaoulu@gmail.com).
We offer three different kantele meditation products ranging from simple meditative kantele sonic sphere improvisation (45min) to a deeper dive inside the Fenno-Ugric kantele and rune song culture and traditions with various breathing and kantele meditation excercises (3h, including tea/coffee + snack break). All products include short tutorial for kantele playing and a kantele & yoga mat for meditation. If you like, you can bring your own kantele, yoga mat or blanket for relaxation.